Kriya Sharira

Kriya Sharir Department is dealing with teaching and demonstration on the physiological formation and functions of the human body according to Ayurvedic principles. It deals with physiology structure of human body which includes indriya (sensory organs) and motor functions, mana(psyche), atma(soul) and their functions. Dosha, Dhatu and Mala and their sites in the body were taught to scholars. Theoretical as well as practical knowledge on rakta (blood), shukra/artava (reproductive), mala (feces), mutra (urine), kapha (cough) etc. and proper diagnosis and treatment therapies of various disorders taught to scholars.


  • Elucidate the basic principles of human physiology in Ayurveda.
  • Elaborate the fundamentals of contemporary physiology.
  • To document and analyze foundational principles like DehaPrakriti, ManasaPrakriti,
  • Dhatu Sara in a healthy individual.
  • Explore the areas of research based upon the basic principles of Ayurveda.


  • The department has a well-established museum and laboratory with equipment for better understanding of the subject.
  • Library and reading room
  • Departmental projects
